Unlike most other companies, we control and purchase our raw materials ourselves and produce our products in-house. This means that Functional Future is under strict control from both The Danish Food Administration and The Danish Biodynamic Association. Once a year, the two organizations audit our facilities for, among other things, to check traceability, hygiene, and critical control parameters.
The fact that we produce our products ourselves also means that you, as customers, have the best assurance that we can stand within the quality and functionality of our products.
Organic Certifications:
We maintain three certifications for organic products in Denmark, Sweden, and the EU.
You can find the latest certification reports from performed audits here (LINK).
Biodynamic certificate
We have gone the extra mile to maintain a biodynamic certification for all the raw materials that we can. This means that, among other things, higher demands are made than with organic for soil conditions, permitted additives, used fertilizer, etc.Biodynamic production is a holistic approach to raw material production, which is at a level above ordinary organic. Furthermore, a biodynamic certification ensures that the farmers who grow the crops get a fair price for their goods. Most importantly, the production is sustainable and leaves the smallest possible impact on the surrounding nature. This means, among other things, that the destruction of rainforests and the exploitation of land do not occur. We strongly encourage everyone who cares about the future of this planet and, in particular, soil and ocean health to join the biodynamic movement here (LINK).
You can find the latest certification reports from performed audits here (LINK).
Laboratory testing
Analytical testing of our products is key in securing and documenting purity and potency. We are accredited and are using 3-part testing according to the following certifications.
Product manufacturing
Our products are manufactured according to the following certifications.